
Showing posts from December, 2019


THE BOOLPROP GENETICS CHALLENGE HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEK 9/10 RESIDENTS: Grain - Adult Hummus - Adult Turnip - Teenager Urchin - Child Veal - toddler Highlights of week 9 Veal is a child and also learns how to do his homework Turnip went to University Urchin is a teenager Fortune/Family World Class Ballet Dancer Highlights of week 10 (forgot to screenshot the beginning) Veal is a teenager Romance/Please have 20 lovers The couple get old and older and Veal grows into an adult (no wish for college) LET'S GET SOME POINTS A generation had Black hair and Grey eyes, and Brown hair and Brown eyes B generation had Black hair and Brown eyes and Red hair and Red eyes C generation had brown hair and red eyes and Blonde Hair and Yellow eyes Founder Generation had Brown Hair and Yellow Eyes and Blonde Hair and Green Eyes 5 for hair colour and 5 for eyes = 10 5 for hair and 5 for eye colour = 10...


BOOLPROP GENETICS CHALLENGE RESIDENTS: Grain - Adult Hummus - Adult Oats - Teenager Pea - Teenager Quorn - Child Radish - Child Swede - Child Turnip - toddler Highlights of Week 7 Pea got his first kiss Oats went to University Is Grain pregnant again Quorn Romance/Knowledge Visionary Radish Knowledge/fortune Hand of Poseidon Turnip child Time to teach Homework help and the 13th baby is on its way a first kiss for Quorn and second baby bump Pea and Claire Williams whohoo Baby boy Urchin Brown hair Yellow eyes Quorn is now a teenager and the 14th and last child is on it's way. Highlights of week 8 Urchin is a toddler second baby pop and Hummus being scared by Custard Genetics Quorn and Radish goes to University and our last baby is a boy called Veal and he has brown hair and green eyes. Turnip is now a teenager Popularity/Knowledge...