THE DyNASTY CHALLENGE DEMON FALL RESIDENTS: Dee: Elder Demi and Richard: Adults Rebekah and Rudy: Teenagers Dave: The cat narrated by Rebekah My dad is in trouble he kissed another woman right in front of my mum Rudy and i have been turned into evil witches and warlocks Mum has been dad in a little room with no doors this is what you get for kissing another woman in front of our family Our first spells were to make cockroaches and then we cleaned them up dad is still alive. Rudy and I work on our abilities I called our friend the matchmaker over to have date with someone Tyson Haitt I really like him and gave him my first kiss now that Rudy and I don't have to sleep we can skill a lot more. dad died early in the morning, don't upset the demon woman mum wasn't that upset she was still angry with him nor was Nan she just wanted to play chess and mum just kept on reading I got a job in the Journalism career and Rudy got a job in the athletic career (i think) a...