
Showing posts from January, 2025


 THE EASTER EGG CHALLENGE EASTER EGG FALL RESIDENTS: Easter Egg: Adult, Max 5 hobbies Monday: Easter has settled into her house and put the things she brought at University around the house and she gets a job in the Medical career She also wants to win a cooking contest We get the medical career reward There is the logo for the sims 2 She meets Hugh Thansia ( Onomatology:  Several pre-made Sims in the game have puns that allude to a meaning as a name. For example, Rigger Mortis and Earl E. DeMise. Befriend 4 of them.  Easter also has a genie lamp and wishes for money and then she waits to get abducted. Here is the hut and couple pictures of the medical career reward Tuesday: and she did and the number plate of the space ship and dropped right on the floor She did like the trip with the aliens she got a job in the Athletic career Easter looks so proud of herself here off to work we go and a promotion and time to work more on her robotics badge. Wednesday: We got another pr...


 THE SWEET LIPS CHALLENGE HESELDEN FALL RESIDENTS: Emma Heselden: Adult, Family, Education Minister. Monday: Catching up with friends, and telling them about her new house The welcome wagon includes Chester Gieke who is a zombie and works in the criminal career 15 points for zombie and 5 points for criminal = 20 We are invited to a place downtown called the Crypto Club where vampires and witches go to We have a drink and has go in this machine. Tuesday: We have a day off we got a job in the education career The host grabs Emma in a clinch trying to look for people that we can kiss We talked to Jessica Peterson but she already got a job we have kissed Mrs Crumplebottom cannot be kissed time to skill for promotions. Wednesday: food before we got to work and we got a promotion and a walk by called Cherry Fleig and she is a dancer  so we kissed her = 5 points Thursday: we got a promotion and met this man called Phil Jackson and works in politics and a kiss = 5 points we brought th...