SWEET LIPS CHALLENGE HESELDEN WINTER RESIDENTS: Emma: Elder Sunday: Emma started to play basketball We went to Platinum Gum to meet the fitness hobby leader Jasmine Wilson, Emma talked about her travels and we get a kiss = 15 points we had a walk by and it was Peppa Black she is an artist 5 points then we had a werewolf come to visit and this is Catherine Blue 20 points Monday: We greeted another walk by and we got a kiss he is in the law career but i forgot to write down his name We went to Gamesend Grounds and there is nothing here except vending machines and toilets we went to Inspirational Laba but nothing there either and this was the science hobby leader and a kiss. Tuesday: we met Cheryl Chin she is in Oceanography but we must have missed the picture and a kiss for 5 points this is Marsha and she is another hobby leader can't remember which one now but 15 points. Wednesday: we went to Swift and Thrift Mini- Mart and watched people play chess Rebecca ...