Ike: Adult
Tina : Teenager

narrated by Tina

time for school

and party after work

and Marsha and I had a date

it was another good party

Ike likes to dance on his own

I slipped off to more paintings before the party ended

tomorrow i have a job in the culinary career

Ike is now in the zone for gaming, good for him

I am glad I have this witches throne

I also got into the zone with my creativity. I kept putting my paintings on the wall and they kept disappearing so i had to put them in my inventory for now

i had another party and met Opal Raymond

and we clicked and another good party

I love this painting in my inventory it goes

Ike has got into the zone while dancing.

No job today but have met another lady called Renee Johnson

we had a date

and another successful party

and I wanted to max my mechanical skill

I got a job in the business career

and when i got back from school i did some more paintings

I also learnt couples counselling

and lifelong happiness

Ike found some cockroaches

and got all upset about it

I had another party, i did my homework, i had to have the repairman came and fix the pc i don't have time to do it all and Ike doesn't like one of my friends.

I had date with Marsha I think

I also needed to some fishing too, and another successful party

I also read the fire safety book

I got a job in the journalism career

it was fun

the repairman had to come over again

and another party

with Amber Dawn

successful and more fishing

i got a gold bronze badge for fishing

I still had to make some more meals, i made a fish meal

and instant meal, and something else

then i realized i had made any objects so quickly some plates

and thank you. I am done.

Not counted in word count
The 13 Challenge Tasks for your Immortal Teenager:

1. Max a part time job, it's gritty but how else will bills be paid? Your caretaker sure isn't doing any work... You should have and maintain this job throughout the entire challenge, with exceptions of switching careers - sometimes things don't work out, right? (TS4: unless/until part time jobs and after school activities can be done together, you can pick one or the other). done
2. Have a BFF to tell everything to, especially goal number 3...done
3. Have at least 4 boyfriends/girlfriends - and you were pretty sure all of them were your true loves at one point before a week later you dropped them for your next true loveCANNOT be your BFF! (done)
4. Be friends with 13 people at the same time, being popular is your dream after all! (done)
5. Earn $13,000 to save for University, this must be consistently met and not dipped below, you need those funds for your future! (done
6. Collect 13 different rocks, gems, metals, or collectibles as your hobby. Every teen needs a hobby! These don't need to be cut, but you can. You can also display them if you like, or keep them to yourself. While they must be different from each other, they must be the same type of collectable - all metals, all bugs, all gems, etc. (TS2: Make 13 objects/toys/bouquets as your hobby!) (done)
7. Catch 13 different fish to keep you company (they do not need to be alive all at the same time, but they should be kept in a glass bowl/tank and cared for). These 13 pet fish cannot be taken out of the bowl after they've been placed (unless it's to be moved to another bowl or disposed of when they've passed). (done)
8. Write 13 books to practice for your University entry exams, those writing questions are always tricky! TS2 - read all the extra skills from the bookshelf (Parenting, Physiology, Fire Extinguishing, Counseling etc). (done)
9. Paint 13 pictures to decorate the walls with to make your house feel more like home. (done)
10. Cook 13 different recipes because you're tired of your Caretaker' quick meals. (done)
11. Gain 13 skill points in any set of skills (or a mixture) to show you're well-rounded for those University Scholarships. This can be 5 in writing, 5 in painting, and 3 in cooking... or 4 in fishing, 6 in writing, and 2 in painting and 1 in cooking... or ANY combination of 13 you can make! (done)
12. Grow and maintain 13 plants because your groceries are getting a bit too expensive with your Caretaker eating you out of house and home. Hopefully the more healthy food you stock, the farther away your Caretaker will be! (done)
13. Throw 13 successful parties because despite it all, you still want to be a teenager. Parties can be any party type you want, but they cannot be a Date in TS4. (done) total = 130

  • School Nerd: You'll show all those bullies at school that knowledge is power! Have maxed 5 skills (+50 points).
  • Jack of All Trades: You want to dip your toes into EVERYTHING, so you shall. Attend at least one shift for every base-game part-time job available (+20 points).
  • [TS2 Only] Private-Eyes: Your caregiver/parent may not care about your schooling, but YOU do. Get into the private school with no help from your caregiver (+15 points).
above total = 85
overall total = 215
and completed

Word Count: 340
Previous word Count: 8,190
Total Word: Count: 8,530

Picture Count: 40
Previous Picture Count: 678
Total Picture Count:  718


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